Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Dentist's Chair

From Puebla, Oacaxa, Mexico.

I cannot think of many other situations which can induce more apprehension than a visit to the dentist. To go for a scheduled biannual check-up in one own's country is one thing, but knowing that I have to find a dentist in a non English speaking other in order to have a filling replaced, is quite another. I have already primed myself with some relevant Spanish verbs and nouns which I ended up using to the young dentist and his even younger assistant. I was not expecting great news after not having been to a dentist since the Autumn before I left, but ninety minutes later, after my new replacement filling and a hygiene session, I was good to go.

Now, to be charged 300 pesos (18GBP) for all of his time, skill and effort differs vastly from any previous under-cooked experience I have had in my own country.  I will bear this in mind the next time I visit these parts. And here it is, for all of you that are interested.
