Friday, January 20, 2012

In Search of some Southern Sun

It has been a couple of weeks since my initial blog, which is due to my not having much access to a computer that does not cost by the minute.  I felt the need to escape Rio after the New Year in search of some chilled out beach action.  I had heard of a place in Southern Brazil called Florianopolis, or Floripa which promised everything and it did not disappoint.

But before I could enjoy the place, I had to negotiate Rio’s international airport and the chaos caused by the airline carrier’s lack of information and organization at the check in desks.  I am sure that I can become used to it but I would rather not have to go through the hassle if at all possible. I think I have the time to use the coaches as their appeal becomes greater despite the time/distance equation. 

After two stops and one change of plane, we finally arrive at Floripa and instantly I feel a much relaxed vibe here. I had read that the rich, white middle class Brazilians here were a breed apart and it felt as much, as I did not think for any moment that I would be relieved of my possessions at any point.

 The town of Floripa is situated at the point of entry of a beautiful peninsula called Santa Catarina, which holds many beautiful beaches of varying sizes and vibe. We choose a small part of the island that has a simple beauty as it mixes up its beach and picturesque estuary with locals, backpackers and many Argentinian short holiday makers.

What left an impression with me were the beach bars that held wonderful samba dances and local bands. The Brazilians do not need a second invitation to dance with a partner to this music so I felt inspired to learn and practice a few moves with them without too much embarrassment.  It is also the place where I feel that I have properly heard Samba, Bossa Nova and some Jazz- all backed up by terrific sea views and the sound of the waves shifting the sands.  To hear just a few guitarists playing this music using an array of jazz chords is a joy and an inspiration.

There is also the scope to really party here a la Ibiza style and we felt it rude not to do so a little. So we partied by the pool at a large party that was supported by house DJs and the rich and beautiful, who happily paraded around whilst spending lots on drink and having access to previously reserved lounge tables.   I look forward to returning here with more of my party gear in tow. Bring it on!

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