Friday, January 20, 2012

Iguaçu Falls but remains to fight another day!

It is not easy pulling myself from the Floripa beaches but the prospect of seeing the spectacular waterfalls at Iguaçu is far too great, notwithstanding the 15 hour coach journey required to get to them.  It has been one of the must-do places to see after what I have read and heard about its magnificence. I had been to visit Niagara Falls last Summer with my brother where we discussed seeing other natural beauties; so it is thrilling to be so close to them now. Typically, it was raining upon arrival at the Brazilian town of Foz de Iguaçu, but Evelina, the owner of the Evelina Pousada, reassured me that it was the first and last amount of rain expected for a while.

A pousada offers private rooms with cooking facilities where the owner ensures its smooth running for its guests. It is a good option if one wishes to get away from the 12 bed dorm scenario often found in hostels I have seen thus far. Far more pleasingly, they tend not to have CCTV watching ones every move it would seem as is the case in Rio.  I appreciate the security aspect of this system but not the invasion of ones privacy.
The Falls are situated where the borders of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay meet and one can view the falls from either or both the Argentine/Brazilian sides. They are indeed very spectacular from any viewpoint and the power and noise emanating from the Devil’s Throat part of the Falls is astounding to witness.  It takes two days to visit the Falls properly and it involves crossing the Argentine border and back over to Brazil in one day.

Although Paraguay’s borders do not encompass the Falls itself, it’s nearby town does offer excellent tax-free shopping and specializes in the sale of electronics goods such as cameras, phones and computers. A tax-free haven full of bandits and dodgy knock-off gear may be an accurate description but it does not deter me from purchasing the Samsung notebook that I am now typing this blog entry on.  I now feel back on-track and online which is a considerable relief.  I thought that I could get by with just using my iphone but it sure feels good to be touch typing away on this cheeky little number. Thank you relatively inexpensive Paraguay! 
Next stop Buenos Aires baby! Ciao.

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