Saturday, March 17, 2012

What’s in a name ?

I have decided to start using one of my other middle names as my forename whilst travelling in Latin America. The main reason is that the Spanish language does not really handle my name very well and its pronunciation is challenge for many here. They are just not used to the ry syllable and I am becoming fed up correcting it. The name Nicholas is commonplace, especially here in Argentina and I also like having three syllables instead of just two as it will then have a kind of symmetry with my surname.

I know that it will feel quite strange at first; that I will have to modify many things such as my mindset, introductions with others, my online presence and other many other situations that I haven’t even thought of as yet. I also like the idea of being named after a Saint, which can never a bad thing. My mother even uses her third name as her forename, as I believe is the custom in countries such as France and Spain.
I look forward to this experiment and seeing how much it changes things. Watch this space.

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