Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hot springs and even Hotter Collars!

Just outside the town of Pucon, Chile, there are the Termas Los Pozones, a complex having series of six hot spring pools down in a valley. My idea was to have a relaxing soak and do some star gazing after trekking up and down the Volcan Villarrica. The problem commenced as my minibus picked up a gang of young, French, drunken adolescents and went downhill from there. Drinking is prohibited but it did not stop most groups taking in alcohol masqueraded in coke or water bottles, or not at all. Now, I love a drink but when people start to have loud disagreements in and around the pools it really is not cool.  Two of the  patrons were patrolling with torches for alcohol just like German soldiers around a POW camp perimeter!

If their actions seem a trifle heavy handed then think again: the evening ended around midnight when we saw the flashing lights of a police vehicle and yet another situation. I later found out that a wine bottle had dropped and smashed into one of the pools. I do not know the upshot but I am sure it was one big hassle to say the least.  There is something to be said for paying higher end prices in order to exclude much of the idiocy of others.

Yours unhappily!

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